Explore Ruby
Discover how Ruby helps you have unlimited saving potential.
AI-powered savings recommendations
Ruby learns how you like to shop, then creates personalized coupons, made for you to save the most.
Instant Promo Codes at Your Fingertips - No More Searching!
For ultimate flexibility. Find the best place to get those new sneakers, search for smart watch deals, or explore all the ways to save at one store.
Ruby Safari Extension for iPhones
Shop like normal. Save like crazy. Ruby Extension makes it easy to get cashback while shopping in iPhone Safari browser.
Get cashback at over 40K stores
One tap of a button to unlock cashback at most US retailers.
Earn while you spend with the best Cashback in the market.
Stacked Savings
Forget hours of research and reading T&Cs. Ruby combines the best ways to save to get you the biggest discount.
Every way to save
Cash back, points, limited-time sales… Ruby calculates every single saving available and stacks it all for you. No more post-checkout regrets.
Redeem your rewards
Earn Cashback every time you shop, and redeem it as cash payout or gift cards.