When you arrive in a new country whether as an immigrant or a tourist, the first thing people usually do is panic! Rest assured that based on my experience you would be fine by doing these simple things along with common ones which you know for yourselves, don’t you?
Nowadays every god knows task needs accessing to internet. So search for free Wi-Fi stations, how to activate your phone’s data, and also buy a local sim card which must have the best coverage around the country and data plans.
Yeah, pick that phone and call them. We may be some hard-hearted creatures but that doesn’t imply others should be. So, text or call your friends, family, or anyone who might be worried about your health and safety.
Google Map is your best friend where ever you go! Learn about necessary nearby places like supermarkets and hospitals which I hope you never need. Also, I highly recommend you google essential apps regarding each country you visit and those used worldwide before traveling.
Listen closely to conversations among locals and focus to learn slang and repetitive words, since you might go to places where people are not able to speak English. For instance, expressions related to transportation, money, and food.
If you are staying long enough, find a reliable source and buy what you need online. Although we all are experienced enough in this matter, it never hurts to ask for locals' suggestions and consider events and festivals which may lead to special discounts and offers.
· Stay out of trouble and do not try to solve others’ problems.
· Always go prepared, I mean pack everything before you start your journey as short as it is going to be.
· Finally and most importantly find some friends that you can trust because you will never be able to buy them anywhere.